Our Products

Microscope Video Recording Solutions

Our Microscope Video Recording Setups offer an advanced solution for capturing high-quality images and videos of the patients. Designed with precision and accuracy in mind, our systems are equipped with state-of-the-art cameras, lighting, and software to ensure the finest details are captured. With our service, you can record, store and analyze your data in a convenient and efficient manner, allowing for better research and analysis.


Improves operating posture by

bringing the binocular Head closer to the

surgeon.  It can work with Tiltable Binocular head

as well as with a fixed 45 degree binoculars giving you a head-up position. Evoscope comes in various designs that can fit all the microscope brands.  

RedGLO Illumination System for Microscopes

The RedGLO stereo co-axial illumination system is a high-quality lighting solution designed to enhance the precision and accuracy of operating microscope. With its advanced co-axial design, this system provides uniform illumination across the entire field of view, ensuring consistent red reflex from the patients’ eye. Its superior light weight construction and durability make it an ideal choice for your operating microscope.

Precision 3D Surgical Video Setup

Our 3D surgical video setup is a cutting-edge service that provides a highly detailed and immersive view of surgical procedures. This service involves the use of advanced 3D technology to capture and display the surgical process in real-time, enabling surgeons and medical professionals to gain a deeper understanding of the procedure and make more informed decisions. With our 3D surgical video setup, we are committed to delivering the highest level of precision, accuracy, and clarity in surgical visualization.

Slit Lamp Imaging DSLR Module